Thursday, November 3, 2011

22 Weeks

22 weeks with Holden
22 weeks with Hattie

I didn't take many pictures while pregnant the first time around but I know that I was 22 weeks when we took these. It's kind of fun to compare!

Pregnancy Highlights:
How far Along: 22 weeks
Size of baby: Length of a spaghetti squash
Total Weight Gain/Loss: + 6 lbs
Maternity clothes: Not yet!
Gender: It's a GIRL! Holden Claire Pack
Movement: She moves a lot at night just like her big sis :)
Sleep: I've been sleeping pretty good!
What I miss: Feeling full
Cravings: Pretty much anything and everything FOOD lately. I feel like I'm eating all day long! HA!
Symptoms: Heartburn is getting worse as the weeks go by
Best Moment this Week: Having a healthy pregnancy--I feel so blessed!

1 comment:

Bridget said...

Alexa, you are so beautiful and teeny! I swear I'm bigger than you and I'm like 2 months behind you, haha! Heartburn stinks, but that's great you have been sleeping good. You are such a gorgeous mamma!