Sunday, October 4, 2009


It's been a little while since I have blogged and I thought I would catch you up on a couple of happenings.

Amanda had her BABY!!! Little Ronin was born on September 12th and weighed 8lbs 2oz and is as cute as can be and I absolutely adore him! And I must say that Amanda looks just FaBuLoUs!

We celebrated Sean's 25th birthday with family and friends--it was a lot of fun! He even got to indulge himself with TWO ice cream cakes from Baskin Robbins which are his absolute favorite.
I've entered into my third and final trimester and I am starting to feel HUGE and a lot more UnCoMfOrTaBlE! Luckily the countdown has begun and the end is in sight! We even signed up for our Labor class this month at the hospital! Sean is really looking forward to a fun filled Saturday with 6 hours of absolutely no football :) I told him that I've had to do endure this pregnancy thing for 9 months, he can survive one day! Here are a couple of pics of me at 29 weeks. (Yes, I know that the first pic is a little blurry but I just had to show the heels! They are about the only thing that makes me feel remotely attractive these days!)


The Sitton Family said...

Congrats to Amanda! He little boy is so cute! And you look so good, I know it is hard to believe people because you might feel differently, but TRUST ME, you look awesome! And I love the shoes!

Ashley Russell said...

I am so happy for Amanda, and you look so good if it weren't for the baby bump, you would never think you were pregnant! You carry very well! good luck with everything!